Introduction to FNBS

Foundation for Nepalese Blind Students (FNBS) is a newly formed non-government, non-profit, charity organization which aims to provide educational supports to the blind and visually impaired students from poor families in Nepal. Right to education is a key element to develop blind children as successful individuals in the future. But there are very limited schools for visually impaired students in Nepal. Moreover, the opportunities are even less in the villages. The blind students from remote places are required to stay in boarding houses near the schools in order to receive education. But Nepal is a developing country with per capita income of 1,034.118 USD (World Bank 2019) and the economic state of families in the villages is even worst. They cannot afford to send their visually impaired children to a boarding house due to their financial status. And this is where FNBS intends to support the children. With your support, we make it possible for each visually impaired student to receive education and learn essential skills to help them maximize their potential and achieve their goals.
Government schools in Nepal provide free education to all the disabled students including the blind students. However, the students have to be accommodated inside the school. The accommodation costs have to be covered by the parents, which is impossible for most families to afford. But due to limited quota, only a limited number of students receive a minimum amount of support from the government. A total of NRs.4000 per month (approx. US $ 40) is provided per student by the government, which is significantly insufficient. Moreover, a lot of students are sent back due to limited quota and their parents cannot afford to pay for food and accommodation. This is where FNBS plays its vital role by providing necessary financial support to these students.
Besides economic supports to the blind students for the education, FNBS has programs to provide regular health checkup facilities to the blind students and organize appropriate professional trainings for them.
Legal Recognition
FNBS is formally registered with the Government of Nepal. The charity registration number for this organization is 3295/2014. Also the organization is associated with the Social Welfare Council, Nepal. The affiliation no of FNBS with Social Welfare Council is 40548/2015.

Govt. of Nepal