From The Chairman

It is my great pleasure to write as the chairman of the management committee of FNBS. FNBS is a charity organization esatablished in the premise of beautiful city of Pokhara. The prime concern of the organization is to support the blind students for their education.
Nepal is a developing country. Due to the poor economic status of the country, there are not enough services and facilities to the disabled population of the country. The status of available services for the blinds is very limited in proportion to the total number of blinds. Because of which the blind people are forced to suffer a lot. Their physical disability is itself a great hurdle in life and the life even without education is much more difficult. Blinds need special attention from their family and societies as they cannot see the physical world. If they would get education, it could be easier for them to understand life and world better. They do have immense capacities. And it is education which opens the window of their life and help them explore their potentials.
There are many blind children in our societies. Among them only very few go to schools. The reason for them not going to school is- firstly, there are not adequate schools and academia with infrastructures to support the education to blinds and secondly because the parents of the binds are ignorant about sending their children to schools. They find it unnecessary to send their children to school.
So, the lack of schools and enough awareness are the two major hurdles for educating the blind children in our societies. The government has provision of free education to all the disabled children. But still there are not enough schools with infrastructure and materials required for the blinds. And again, the existing schools have limited quota, which again prevents some blinds from getting their education. Most of blind children are from the remote villages of Nepal. The level of awareness is very low in the villages and parents of blinds take no care in sending their children to the schools.
Here, FNBS as a supportive partner for the blinds, is taking initiatives to uplift the status of blind children through quality education. In fact it is their fundamental right to get education. Therefore, the primary goal of FNBS is to provide economic supports to the blind children and motivate for their education. Secondly, FNBS aims to identify blind children in different villages of Nepal and encourage their families send them to school with some financial aid in need basis. Next, FNBS works to provide professional trainings for the blinds so that they can learn some skills as per their interests and earn their living on their own.
In this way, FNBS has a great objective to serve the blind children in Nepal. FNBS is a medium for the cause. It's our responsibility to support the needy and blind children. The service to such children is a very pious act. So on behalf of FNBS and the chairman of the organization, I would like to make a very generous request to the charitable organizations, firms and individuals to spread their supportive hands together with FNBS to uplift the lives of blind children in Nepal. Even a small contribution will have a great impact in the lives of these child. So let's contribute whatever we can from our sides and exhibit the highest level of humanity by donating in pursuit of education to blinds.
We FNBS family expect a generous support from all concerned in this charitable act. Click HERE to make donations. lets make a big impact with small acts together.
Thank you !!!
Surya Bahadur Chhetri,
Pokhara, Nepal.
From The Coordinator

Foundation for Nepalese Blind Students (FNBS) is a non-profit organization that aims to provide educational supports to the sightless and visually impaired students from poor families in Nepal. Right to education is a key element to develop blind children as successful individuals in the future. But there are very limited schools for visually impaired students in Nepal. Moreover, the opportunities are even less in the villages with different minor ethnic communities.
With the generous support from the national and international organizations, FNBS wants to make sure each and every visually impaired children have got the opportunity of schooling so that they can learn essential skills to help them maximize with their potential and achieve their goals. I sincerely request you to provide with some financial help to support FNBS to educate and make each visually impaired student a successful and qualified personnel. For such a worthy cause even a small donation by the individuals also will deal a lot to run our project. We encourage volunteers to take part in this great cause. Also, since we are a new organization, any suggestions regarding the development of FNBS will be highly appreciated. Please use the contact above to communicate with us.
Some profiles of the visually impaired students can be found in this website. I would like to advise you to take some time to go through it and find out how FNBS project provides need based scholarship to support for their future careers.
FNBS is formally registered Charity with the Government of Nepal. The charity registration number for this organization is 3295/2014. Also the organization is associated with the Social Welfare Council, City Office Kathmandu, Nepal.
Shiva Lal Dhital
Program Coordinator
Member Secretary, Management Committee
Email: sldhital@gmail.com